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Study Coordinator: Nick Kabrel, M.Sc.
Lead: Professor Birgit Watzke; Markus Wolf, PhD
The research series "InterAct - Intersession Activities in Psychotherapy" focuses on psychotherapeutic processes that take place outside the actual therapy session in the patients' daily lives. The transfer of therapeutic contents in the patients' environment is an essential part of psychotherapy. This becomes particularly apparent when comparing the time spent in therapy (usually one hour per week) with the remaining waking hours of the patient. What happens during the time outside of therapy sessions regarding progress in psychotherapy and how do patients transfer important processes into their everyday lives?
We are interested in specific and intentional processes, such as die realisation of certain plans or therapeutic exercises, but also in diffuse and spontaneous processes, such as thoughts and reflections about the therapy or the therapist.
Within the framework of a transdiagnostic investigation of intersession activities, following questions are addressed in the project series:
Ongoing Projects:
AkThiv - Generic Smartphone App to Support Intersession Activities in Psychotherapy
EVALIS - Evaluation of a smartphone app to support intersession processes in psychotherapy.
Completed Projects:
FAcTh - Focus Groups on Intersession Activities in Psychotherapy from the therapists' view
SUmBA – Writing as a Strategy to Cope with Stress in Daily Life
Are you interested in the project series and would like to know more about the current and new InterAct-projects? Are you interested in a collaboration regarding InterAct? We look forward to hearing from you by contacting us here.