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Department of Psychology Individual Differences and Assessment

Rosalie Andrae

Rosalie Andrae, M.Sc.

  • Doktorand:in / Ph.D. Student
Binzmühlestrasse 14/7, CH-8050 Zürich
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Current Research Interests:

Sexual Behavior and Personality

Previous research has shown that individual differences in personality — such as variations in the Big Five traits or self-esteem — predict various aspects of sexual behavior. At the same time, sexual experiences themselves may shape personality development. Therefore, we examine the reciprocal links between personality and sexual behavior: How are initial levels of certain personality traits associated with, for example, first sexual intercourse, sexual frequency, or sexual satisfaction? And to what extent do these experiences contribute to subsequent personality trait changes?

Enhancing Emotional Stability Through Digital Interventions

Neuroticism — a personality trait characterized by emotional instability and a pronounced tendency toward negative emotions — represents a key public health concern. It is associated with reduced well-being and an increased risk of various mental and physical health conditions. Thus, we aimed to develop and evaluate an evidence-based, personalized smartphone intervention designed to promote emotional stability — the counterpole of neuroticism..

In addition, my research places great emphasis on integrating new methodological advancements and adhering to Open Science practices.