Wiebke Bleidorn, Prof. Dr.
Doris Baumann, Dr.
- Postdoktorand:in / Postdoctoral Researcher
- Adminstration
- Phone
- +41 44 635 7521
Stefan Mischke
- EDV-Koordinator / IT manager
- Phone
- +41 44 635 73 33
Senior Research Associates
Robert Tobias, Dr. phil. et Dipl.-Ing.
- Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter / Senior Research Associate
Senior Assistant
Peter Hähner, Dr.
- Oberassisent / Senior teaching and research assistant
- Phone
- +41 44 635 75 23
Michael Krämer, Dr.
- Oberassisent / Senior teaching and research assistant
- Phone
- +41 44 635 75 23
André Kretzschmar, Dr.
- Oberassisent / Senior teaching and research assistant
- Phone
- +41 44 635 75 28
Doris Baumann, Dr.
- Postdoktorand:in / Postdoctoral Researcher
- Adminstration
- Phone
- +41 44 635 7521
Amanda J. Wright, Ph.D.
- Postdoktorand:in / Postdoctoral Researcher
- Phone
- +41 44 635 7530
Rosalie Andrae, M.Sc.
- Doktorand:in / Ph.D. Student
Etienne Heitz, M.Sc.
- Externer Doktorand / PhD. Student
Till Lubczyk, M.Sc.
- Doktorand:in / Ph.D. Student
Former Members
- Vera Bocklet, M.Sc. (PhD Student: 2022-2023)
- Wiebke Herrmann, Dr. (Postdoctoral Researcher: 2023)
- Lisa Pindeus, M.A. (Assistant: 2023)
- Alexander Stahlmann (Assistant, Postdoctoral Researcher: 2021-2025)
- Elisa Weber, Dr. (Postdoctoral Researcher: 2021-2023)