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Department of Psychology

Planning Your Studies and Module Booking

Below, there is an overview and further explanations of the stages you will have to go through when planning your studies and booking modules as well as which deadlines need to be met.

The Psychology Mobility Coordination can assist you in these processes.

Step 1: Module Selection

You can use the Online Course Catalogue (OCC) of the UZH to assist you in compiling the modules for your exchange semester. The academic program is published at the beginning of April for the fall semester (FS), respectively at the end of October for the following spring semester (SS). In the OCC, you can use filters to search for courses, e.g., to filter for courses that will take place in English. See this document for instructions How-To (PDF, 696 KB).

Students that are not majoring in Psychology can only attend psychology modules for non-psychology students (the language of instruction for these courses is German).

Check with the degree program coordination office of your home university which psychology modules you can book at the UZH, respectively which modules can be credited towards your degree. Compile your "study program" accordingly.

Step 2: Apply for Module Booking

Psychology modules cannot be booked by exchange students themselves. The Psychology Mobility Coordination will book them for you. To this end you must submit an Application to Book Modules with a list of all your requested psychology modules:

Application to Book Modules for Mobility Students (XLSX, 11 KB)

The completely filled-in application form is to be submitted via e-mail to Further information and deadlines will be sent to you by e-mail in due time.

After the application has been reviewed, if there are any issues, we will contact you regarding your requested modules.

Note: Please bear in mind that this module booking service is only intended for psychology modules! If you want to book any other modules in other fields of study, please also add them to the module booking form. However, you may have to take additional steps to book these non-psychology courses.

Step 3: Changes

Once the modules are booked for you, it is not possible to cancel them anymore. If you stop attending a module during the semester, this will result in a failing grade in the final Transcript of Records. It is only possible to cancel modules due to medical reasons (e.g., sickness on the day of the exam); in this case, students must submit a written request to withdraw from a course or cancel a module booking and submit it no later than five working days after the date of the examination. If an examination is taken despite an existing sick note, it loses its validity: by taking the examination, the student declares themself fit for work. Please submit the request – including supporting documents (e.g., certificate of incapacity for work) – via the student portal. Please note that the duration and workload of the sick leave must be noted on certificates of incapacity for work.

Note: It is also not possible to book additional modules after the official booking deadlines.

Step 4: Learning Agreement (LA) / Definite Study Plan (DSP)

European exchange students need to fill the booked courses into a "Learning Agreement" (LA); for non-European exchange students this file is called "Definite Study Plan" (DSP). You can generate the document on the Mobility Online Platform. If the process is not done electronically (EWP), please fill in the form and e-mail it to Please do not send us the LA / DSP before your final choice of modules is done. Only send us the LA / DSP when it is finalized and you are sure that you do not want to change any courses anymore.

Note: To receive the payment of the European exchange scholarship, it is mandatory to upload the signed version of the LA (signed by you, the psychology mobility coordinator of your home university, and the psychology mobility coordinator of the University of Zurich) to the Mobility Online platform.

Informationsstand: 2. Juli 2024