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Department of Psychology The Life Course: Evolutionary and Ontogenetic Dynamics

Faculty in Zurich

Mathias Allemand (more) Differential Healthy Aging Research (more)
Moritz Daum (more) Developmental Psychology: Infancy and Childhood (more)
Alexandra M. Freund (more) Developmental Psychology: Adulthood (more)
Sebastian Horn (more) Developmental Psychology: Adulthood (more)
Lutz Jäncke (more) Neuropsychology (more)
Andreas Maercker (more) Psychopathology and Clinical Intervention (more)
Mike Martin (more) Gerontopsychology (more)
Martin Meyer (more) Neuroplasticity and Learning of the healthy aging Brain (more)
Nora Raschle (more) Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development - Developmental Neuroscience (more)

Christina Röcke (more)

International Normal Aging and Plasticity Imaging Center (more)

Urte Scholz (more) Applied Social Psychology (more)
Lilly Shanahan (more) Clinical Developmental Psychology
Michael J. Shanahan (more) Institute of Sociology & Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development
Myriam Thoma (more)

Psychopathology and Clinical Intervention (more)

Stephanie Wermelinger (more) Developmental Psychology: Infancy and Childhood (more)

(See the IMPRS' faculty page for Berlin, Ann Arbor, and Charlottesville faculties.)

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