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Department of Psychology Methods of Plasticity Research

Arne Hansen

Arne Hansen, M.Sc.

  • PhD Student
Binzmühlestrasse 14, Box 4 | CH-8050 Zürich
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Research Interests

  • EEG Signatures of Oculomotor Control
  • (Fixational) Eye Movements & Microsaccades
  • Multiverse Analyses


Seit 2024

PhD Student, Chair for Methods of Plasticity Research, Psychological Institute, University of Zurich
SNF-Project «Brain rhythms relate to cognition through oculomotor action: a novel framework of Oculo‐Cortical Coherence (OCC)»
Dr. Tzvetan Popov
Prof. Dr. Nicolas Langer
Prof. Dr. Paul Sauseng
Prof Dr. Alexis Hervais-Adelman

2021-2023 MSc in Psychology, University of Zurich
Master's Thesis: «On the consistency of co‐varying eye movements and power modulations of alpha oscillations during working memory maintenance»
Prof. Dr. Nicolas Langer
Dr. Tzvetan Popov

BSc in Psychology, University of Zurich
Bachelor's Thesis: «Jenseits von Broca und Wernicke - Die aktuelle Perspektive zur Sprache im Gehirn
Prof. Dr. Martin Meyer


Google Scholar

Hansen, A.D., Strzelczyk, D., Troendle, M., Langer, N., & Popov, T. (2024). Modulations of posterior alpha power during working memory co-vary with task-dependent eye movement patterns. [Preprint]