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I am a Postdoc in Paul’s Group working on the “Synchronised brain – coordinated mind”-Project. Here, we investigate the neural mechanism of cognitive control using neuroscientific methods such as electroencephalography (EEG), non-invasive brain stimulation (e.g., transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)) and functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS).
Before that I worked on a project investigating the role of multitasking (abilities) for military proficiency at the University of the Bundeswehr in Munich. Hereby, we assessed performance measures while individuals executed low-fidelity flight simulations, simulations of military operations, and laboratory tasks. In this context, we also developed advanced statistical procedures to model performance using computational modeling and Bayesian procedures.
Paul supervised my PhD project investigating the role of alpha waves (i.e., brain oscillatory activity around 10 Hz) in cognitive enhancements through video gaming. In this context, I acquired an expertise in applying computational modeling based on the theory of visual attention.
Thus, my research interests include advanced statistical and neuroscientific methods, human-media/machine interactions, and cognitive control.