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Department of Psychology Professorship for Neuropsychology and Cognitive Neuroscience

Yifan Zeng

Yifan Zeng

  • PhD Student
+41 44 635 72 70
Room number
BIN 4.D.07

I am a PhD student at Paul’s Lab, currently enrolled in doctoral programs in the Psychology Department and the Zurich Neuroscience Center. My research focuses on the propagation of neural oscillations (i.e., traveling waves) in the brains of both healthy individuals and epilepsy patients. I develop descriptive methods to quantify traveling waves captured by scalp (EEG) and intracranial electroencephalography (iEEG). Additionally, I investigate the functional role these waves play as they propagate during cognitive processes such as working memory.


  • MSc (LMU Munich)
  • BSc (Peking University)