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Department of Psychology Psychological Methods, Evaluation and Statistics

Academic short CV

Prof. Dr. Carolin Strobl

since 8/2011 University of Zurich, Switzerland
Full Professor of Psychological Methods, Evaluation and Statistics
until 7/2011 Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Germany
M.Sc., Doctorate and Habilitation in Statistics,
scientific coordinator of the Center for Empirical Studies: Data Analysis, Modelling & Knowledge Discovery in Social Sciences, Economics and Humanities
9/2002 University of Regensburg, Germany
Diploma in Psychology


Please refer to the list of publications.


Debeer, D., Hothorn, T. & Strobl, C. permimp: Conditional Permutation Importance.
[bib] [url]

Philipp, M., Strobl, C., Zeilei, A., Rusch, T. & Hornik, K. stablelearner: A Toolkit for Stability Assessment of Tree-Based Learners.
[bib] [url]

Frick, H., Strobl, C., Leisch, F. & Zeileis, A. psychomix: Psychometric Mixture Models.
[bib] [url]

Zeileis, A., Strobl, C., Wickelmaier, F., Komboz, B., Kopf, J., Schneider, L. & Debelak, R. psychotools: Infrastructure for Psychometric Modeling.
[bib] [url]

Zeileis, A., Strobl, C., Wickelmaier, F. & Kopf, J. psychotree: Recursive Partitioning Based on Psychometric Models.
[bib] [url]

Hothorn, T., Hornik, K., Strobl, C. & Zeileis, A. party: A Laboratory for Recursive Part(y)itioning.
[bib] [url]

Third party funding

Please refer to the project list.


For the German Research Foundation (DFG), various conference proceedings and the following journals:

Algorithms for Molecular Biology; The American Statistician; Annals of Applied Statistics; Annals of Human Genetics; Biometrical Journal; Biometrics; BMC Bioinformatics; British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology; Computational Statistics; Computational Statistics & Data Analysis; Diagnostica; Educational and Psychological Measurement; Electronic Journal of Statistics; European Journal of Personality; European Journal of Psychological Assessment; Genetic Epidemiology; International Journal of Approximate Reasoning; International Journal of Public Health; International Journal of Quantitative Research in Education; International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems; Journal of the American Statistical Association; Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics; Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology; Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics; Journal of Machine Learning Research; Journal of Statistical Software; Multivariate Behavioral Research; PLOS ONE; Psychology Science Quarterly; Psychometrika; Psychological Methods; R News; Statistica Sinica; Statistical Analysis and Data Mining; Statistics and Computing; Statistics in Medicine.