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Department of Psychology Psychopathology and Clinical Intervention

Professorship for Psychopathology and Clinical Intervention


Until 31. July 2025 as a University chair, thereafter as senior position with working group

Prof. Dr. Dr. Andreas Maercker

Our unit contributes to research and outpatient psychotherapy treatment.

Our research topics are:

  • Cultural Clinical Psychology
  • Traumatic stress and grief research
  • Clinical geropsychology
  • E-Mental-Health

Our outpatient service (Spezialambulatorien) offers psychotherapeutic treatment as writing therapies for PTSD and depression. Health insurances reimburse these treatments.

Weiterführende Informationen

Cultural Clinical Psychology and PTSD

New Publication November 2018

Cultural Clinical Psychology and PTSD
Editors: Andreas Maercker, Eva Heim, Laurence J. Kirmayer
Hogrefe ISBN: 9780889374973


Edited by Michael Linden & Andreas Maercker
Embitterment: Societal, psychological, and clinical perspectives.
Springer: New York und Wien (139 USD)


Edited by Andreas Maercker, Matthias Schützwohl & Zahava Solomon, Seattle:
Hogrefe & Huber Publishers