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Department of Psychology Clinical Psychology for Children/Adolescents and Couples/Families

Selina Landolt

Selina Landolt, MSc

  • Research Assistant & PhD Student
+41 44 635 75 55
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Academic and Work Experience

since 2020

Research assistant and PhD student
Chair of Clinical Psychology for Children/Adolescents and Couples/Families, University of Zurich (Prof. Dr. Guy Bodenmann)

2019 – 2020

Teaching assistant
Chair of Clinical Psychology for Children/Adolescents and Couples/Families, University of Zurich (Prof. Dr. Guy Bodenmann)

2017 – 2020

Master of Science in Psychology, University of Zurich

2018 – 2019

Research internship
Chair of Clinical Psychology for Children/Adolescents and Couples/Families, "Partnership and Development of the Child", University of Zurich (Prof. Dr. Guy Bodenmann)
Supervisors: M.Sc. Fabienne Meier and M.Sc. Céline Stadelmann

2018 – 2019

Research internship
Chair of Clinical Psychology for Children/Adolescents and Couples/Families, University of Zurich (Prof. Dr. Guy Bodenmann)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Guy Bodenmann

2017 – 2018

Student assistant
Chairs Developmental Psychology: Adulthood (Prof. Dr. Alexandra M. Freund) and Psychology of Motivation, Volition, and Emotion (Prof. Dr. Veronika Brandstätter-Morawietz), "Willpower in Children", University of Zurich
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Veronika Job



Psychology intern
Forensic Institute Eastern Switzerland (forio AG)

2013 – 2017

Bachelor of Science in Psychology (major) and Media and Communication Science (minor), University of Zurich


Other Activities

since 2019

Licensed paarlife workshop instructor

2017 - 2020

Editorial member and head of illustration
aware – Psychological Student Magazine


Master Thesis

"Patient and partner? The Balance of Mutual Support in Couples Coping with Depression" (Prof. Dr. Guy Bodenmann, Supervisor: M.Sc. Fabienne Meier)


Bachelor Thesis

"Fairness of Household Division and its Effect on Relationships" (Prof. Dr. Guy Bodenmann, Supervisor: M.Sc. Fabienne Meier)