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Department of Psychology Clinical Psychology for Children/Adolescents and Couples/Families

The impact of external stress on couples interaction within one year


This study combines data from a stress experiment, using the TSST (Trier Social Stress Test) with longitudinal data (1-year-follow-up). The multi-method approach includes (a) self-report data, observational data as well as physiological and endocrine data, (b) data from both partners and (c) trait and state data. The main aim of the proposed follow-on project is to examine effects of external stress (originating outside the close relationship) on relationship functioning (communication, dyadic coping) in the short term (immediately during the experiment) and in a longer run (after one year). Internal validity is maximized in the experimental approach, while external and predictive validity are considered in the longitudinal study. This study refers to data of our current research project (SNF project No. 100014-115948) by adding new data (cortisol measures, additional questionnaires) and times of measurement (follow-up design). Data of 198 couples will be available.

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