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Department of Psychology Experimental Psychopathology und Psychotherapy

Judith  Rohde

Judith Rohde, Dr. med.

  • Clinician Scientist
+41 (0)44 389 15 86

Selected Publications

Journal Articles

von Wulffen, C., Marciniak, M. A., Rohde, J., Kalisch, R., Binder, H., Tüscher, O., & Kleim, B. (2022). German version of the mobile Agnew Relationship Measure (mARM-G): Translation and validation study. Manuscript under review.

Rohde, J., Marciniak, M. A., Henninger, M., Homan, S., Ries, A., Paersch, C., … Kleim, B. (2022). Effects of a brief digital self-efficacy training in university students with self-reported elevated stress: A randomized controlled trial. Manuscript under review.

Meister, L., Dietrich, A. C., Stefanovic, M., Bavato, F., Rosi-Andersen, A., Rohde, J., Offenhammer, B., Seifritz, E., Schäfer, I., Ehring, T., Barth, J., Kleim, B. (in press). Pharmacological Memory Modulation to Augment Trauma-focused Psychotherapy for PTSD: A Systematic Review of Randomised Controlled Trials. Translational Psychiatry.

Rohde, J., Marciniak, M. A., Henninger, M., Homan, S., Ries, A., Paersch, C., … Kleim, B. (in press). Investigating relationships between self-efficacy, mood, and anxiety using digital technologies: A randomized controlled trial. JMIR Formative Research.

Stefanovic, M., Ehring, T., Wittekind, C. E., Kleim, B., Rohde, J., Krüger-Gottschalk, A., Knaevelsrud, C., Rau, H., Schäfer, I., Schellong, J., Dyer, A., & Takano, K. (2022). Comparing PTSD symptom networks in type I vs. type II trauma survivors. European journal of psychotraumatology, 13(2), 2114260.

Marciniak, M. A., Shanahan, L., Rohde, J., Ehrt, Y., Schulz, A., Wackerhagen, C., ... & Kleim, B. (2021). Stand-Alone KVT-basierte Interventionen via Smartphone zur Förderung der psychischen Gesundheit. Nervenheilkunde, 40(07), 558-566.

Marciniak, M. A., Shanahan, L., Rohde, J., Schulz, A., Wackerhagen, C., Kobylińska, D., Tuescher, O., Binder, H., Walter, H., Kalisch, R., & Kleim, B. (2020). Standalone Smartphone Cognitive Behavioral Therapy-Based Ecological Momentary Interventions to Increase Mental Health: Narrative Review. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 8(11), e19836.

Ort, A., Kometer, M., Rohde, J., Seifritz, E., & Vollenweider, F. X. (2014). The role of GABAB receptors in human reinforcement learning. European neuropsychopharmacology: the journal of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology, 24(10), 1606–1614.

Rohde, J., Claussen, M. C., Kuechenhoff, B., Seifritz, E., & Schuepbach, D. (2013). Combined symptomatology of psychosis, pica syndrome, and hippocampal sclerosis: a case report. The International journal of eating disorders, 46(1), 89–91.

Claussen, M.C., Rohde, J., Seifritz, E., Schuepbach, D. (2013). Arachnoid cyst in a patient with bipolar disorder: Just an incidental finding? Case report. Swiss Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry; 164 (7): 252–4.

Rohde, J., Kirschstein, T., Wilkars, W., Müller, L., Tokay, T., Porath, K., Bender, R. A., & Köhling, R. (2012). Upregulation of presynaptic mGluR2, but not mGluR3 in the epileptic medial perforant path. Neuropharmacology, 62(4), 1867–1873.

Book Chapters

Rohde, J. (in press). Traumafolgestörungen. In M.C. Claussen, & E. Seifritz (Eds.) Lehrbuch der Sportpsychiatrie und -psychotherapie, Band 2. Bern, Switzerland: Hogrefe.

Rohde, J., & Kleim, B. (2022). Trauma. In M.C. Claussen, & E. Seifritz (Eds.) Lehrbuch der Sportpsychiatrie und -psychotherapie, Band 1. Bern, Switzerland: Hogrefe.

Kleim, B., & Rohde, J. (2018). Depressive Störungen. In J. Schellong, F. Epple, K. Weidner (Eds.) Praxisbuch Psychotraumatologie (pp. 89 - 93). Stuttgart, Germany: Thieme.