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Department of Psychology Experimental Psychopathology und Psychotherapy

OPTIMAX – Optimizing the psychotherapeutic treatment of anxiety disorders

OPTIMAX – Studie zur Verbesserung der psychotherapeutischen Behandlung von Angststörungen

Invitation to participate in the study

Do you suffer from an anxiety disorder? Are you afraid in social situations, worry constantly or suffer from panic attacks?

Im Rahmen einer Psychotherapie-Studie unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr. Birgit Kleim suchen wir TeilnehmerInnen, die an den Symptomen einer Angststörung leiden und bieten unentgeltliche Psychotherapie durch geschultes Fachpersonal an. Wenn Sie sich angesprochen fühlen, lädt Sie unser Projekt-Team Dr. Miriam Müller-Bardorffund M.Sc. Dominique Recher herzlich zur Teilnahme ein. Wir freuen uns, wenn Sie teilnehmen und damit einen wichtigen Beitrag zu unserer Forschung leisten


The aim of the present study is to improve a psychotherapeutic procedure that is already scientifically well reviewed and established, namely cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), for the treatment of anxiety disorders. This is because not all patients benefit equally from the same treatment method. For this reason, individual factors should be increasingly taken into account. A so-called transdiagnostic treatment protocol is used to treat patients suffering from various anxiety disorders. Various factors that may be associated with successful treatment will be investigated. However, the data collected in the study are not related to the individual case, but are only meaningful in their collectivity. However, based on our results, we hope to be able to predict and recommend for individual patients in the future whether this therapy will be effective or not. Therapies that are already effective are to be further improved and better tailored to the individual needs or the individual complaint profile of a patient (for example, on the basis of a pattern of various factors recorded by a questionnaire, a blood sample and a computer task).


You will receive psychotherapy according to the latest scientific knowledge by trained professionals. This therapy has already been proven effective in various studies. As this study is financed by the Schweizerischen Nationalfonds, you will not incur any costs for the treatment. As a thank you for your complete participation in the study, you will receive CHF 120.

Who can participate?

You can participate if you:

  • suffer from anxiety
  • are between 18 and 65 years old
  • have good German language skills
  • are not currently in psychotherapeutic treatment

Weiterführende Informationen


If you have any questions about the study, please feel free to contact the research team.



Schweizerischer Nationalfonds

Psychiatrischen Universitätsklinik Zürich

Universität St. Gallen

ETH Zürich

Dartmouth College, USA