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Department of Psychology Methods of Plasticity Research

Application for a Master's Thesis


At the Chair for Methods of Plasiticity Research, we have a certain set of requirements for prospective master's students who wish to do a master's thesis with us.

Minimal Requirements

  • You must contact us as early as possible before the start of your thesis. If you contact us just at the beginning of the semester of afterwards, we cannot guarantee that you will be able to finish within two semesters. 
  • You are expected to work 4 days a week on your thesis.
  • You are expected to not take up extra work, e.g. an internship with a big workload, during the semester vacations. You’re expected to work on your thesis as well during this time (of course, you can take as much vacation days as you like).
  • Depending on the topic you choose we will expect certain skills already before starting the master’s thesis, e.g. EEG or MRI analysis skills. Most of these skills can be acquired in our courses or in an internship with us.

Preferred Qualifications

  • If you've already done an intership with us, or if you're enthusiastic about doing one, we'd be more inclined to accept you as a master's student. This will allow you to build some fundamental skills before the official start of your thesis.
  • Any programming skills are very welcome! The EEG researchers in our lab mainly code in MATLAB. The MRI researchers mainly use Python. Most code concerning stats is written in R. 


If you feel like you fit all the required criteria, feel free to apply for a master's thesis using the application form below.

Application Form

Please fill in the following fields in order to apply for a master's thesis at the chair for methods of plasticity research (Prof. Langer). Note that the criteria are not mandatory, but they do help us in finding a suitable master's thesis topic for you. Keep your current CV and track record (Leitungsübersicht) ready, you will be asked to upload them at the end.

If you experience any problems with filling out the form, please contact us by mail (

Personal Info
Academic Progress
Previous Research Experience

Please indicate above your level of proficiency in R (1: never used; 3: basic skills that I've learned during typical university curriculum; 5: extensive knowledge).

Please indicate above your level of proficiency in MATLAB (1: never used; 3: basic skills that I've learned during typical university curriculum; 5: extensive knowledge).

Please indicate above your level of proficiency in Python (1: never used; 3: basic skills that I've learned during typical university curriculum; 5: extensive knowledge).

Please indicate your overall knowledge in statistical analyses (1: i forgot everything I ever learned in stats classes; 3: basic skills that I've learned during typical university curriculum; 5: worked as a tutor for stats lectures, confident in using statistcal tests).

Please indicate above your level of proficiency for machine learning (ML) and AI methods (1: do not know anything; 3: had some lectures 5: confident with using ML/AI).


Describe why you would be interested in writing your master's thesis at the chair for methods of plasticity research. Explain which research you are most interested in. If you already have a project or a lab member (as your supervisor) in mind, please indicate this as well. Here, you can also add anything else, which might be relevant for us (experience as research assistant, specific skills acquired outside of the University which might be relevant for a master’s thesis). 

File Upload

(Please upload a PDF of your current CV.)

(Please upload a PDF of your current track record.)