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Department of Psychology Developmental Psychology: Adulthood

Dr. Sae In Lee




Saein Lee
Dr. Sae In Lee
University of Zurich
Department of Psychology
Developmental Psychology: Adulthood
Binzmuehlestrasse 14/11
CH-8050 Zurich
BIN 3.A.01

Research Interests

  • Prosociality across adulthood
  • Social norms for prosociality for different age-groups across cultures
  • Evolution of social relationships and social behavior

Brief Research Statement

With a background rooted in Primatology, I have investigated social relationships in different groups of non-human primates. My inspiration is to make a meaningful connection between the knowledge of non-human primates and understanding of social behavior through the lens of evolution.

Currently, I am engaged in a project on prosocial behavior across adulthood and cultures. Taking a cultural perspective, I focus on investigating the impact of social norms on age-related differences in prosocial behavior in different cultures.

Selected Publications

Forss, S., Ciria, A., Clark, F., Galusca, C. L., Harrison, D., & Lee, S. (2024). A transdisciplinary view on curiosity beyond linguistic humans: animals, infants, and artificial intelligence. Biological Reviews.

Lee, S., Ryu, H., Yi, Y., Jang, S. A., Gye, H., Choi, A., Cho, H., Lee, B.K., & Choe, J. C. (2022). The effects of visitors and social isolation from a peer on the behavior of a mixed-species pair of captive gibbons.

Yi, Y., Choi, A., Lee, S., Ham, S., Jang, H., Oktaviani, R., Mardiastuti, A., & Choe, J. C. (2022). Transient co-singing of offspring and mothers in non-duetting Javan gibbons (Hylobates moloch).

Academic Experience

2017 – 2023

Combined Master and Doctoral Program, Interdisciplinary program of Ecocreative, Ewha Womans University, Republic of Korea (Co-supervisor: Prof. Jae Chun Choe, Prof. Yi Kweon Jang)
Dissertation: “Development of social relationships in family groups of wild gibbons and a peer group of captive gibbons”

2022 – 2023

Invited researcher Départment d´écologie et évolution, Université de Lausanne (Advisor: Prof. Erica van de Waal)

2012 – 2017

Bachelor of Liberal Arts in French Language and Literature
Bachelor of Science Technology and Management, Ewha Womans University, Republic of Korea

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