Myriam Thoma, PD Dr.
- Private lecturer and teaching assignment
- Address
- Binzmühlestrasse 14/17, 8050 Zürich
- Room number
- BIN 3.E.16
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The private lecturer, Myriam Thoma, studied psychology, psychopathology, and criminology at the University of Zurich (UZH) (lic. phil., 2001-2006) and completed her doctoral studies at the Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy (Dr. phil., 2007-2010). Following that, she worked as a postdoctoral researcher in biopsychological stress research in Boston (USA) (2010-2012). Upon returning to Switzerland, she worked as a lead psychologist at Sanatorium Kilchberg (2012-2015). In parallel, she completed postgraduate training in cognitive behavioral therapy and behavioral medicine (Master of Advanced Studies, federally recognized psychotherapist). Since 2015, she has been working as a senior researcher and group leader ('Clinical Gerontopsychology') at the Psychological Institute of UZH in the Department of Psychopathology and Clinical Intervention. Additionally, together with Professor Dr. Dr. Andreas Maercker, she co-leads the research group 'Resilience' at the University Research Priority Program 'Dynamics of Healthy Aging'. Furthermore, she works as a coordinator and psychotherapist in the Department of 'General Psychotherapy and Specializations in Trauma, Aging Issues, and Online Therapy' at the Psychotherapeutic Outpatient Clinic of the UZH. In 2020, she successfully completed her habilitation (Venia legendi for Psychology). Her research interests focus on the following areas: psychopathology, stress, trauma, and resilience across the lifespan.